How to save money on Translation services

The translation is generally paid by word of mouth, sometimes by page. The price per word depends on the difficulty of the text, the complexity of the design and the deadline. Ultimately, the ultimate price per word depends on how many hours a translator or translation company estimates that he or she will have to work on the translation. Based on this, here are some tips to save money on translation services.

Use the translator machine, whenever possible: This can save you and / or your company a lot of money for this service is basically free. However, it should only be used for internal communication within the company, for example between team members to translate emails. All official documents for internal and external use must be used professionally translated by a human translator to translate into their native language.

Provide only the text to translate: Try to keep the point in your documents whenever possible. To avoid repetition in the text or request a reduction on the price of the repetition. Each company will have translation software (eg Trados) to calculate the number of words, repetitions and fuzzy matches (partial repetition).

Avoid complex layouts: unless you want your document to be in the company’s translation format, make up the text to be translated in a Microsoft Word file with little or no formatting. For example, if you have Word and PDF version of a document, send Microsoft Word files, you may have to pay less for the PDF document. The more you do the job of eay translator and the more you can focus on translating rather than formatting the document, the cheaper you will have to pay.

Plan Ahead: Try to get your document ready as soon as possible, so that there is no need to ask for the translation to be ready in no time. In fact, if you need to translate to more than 2000 words a day, you may have to pay a fee quickly. For this, the price usually increases from 25 to 50%.

Shop around: Try to find an affordable price for translation services that you feel you can trust, by checking the yellow pages and searching the internet.

Try the translation service: Do you have a test run or just give a small assignment the first time you use the translation service company. This will avoid the risk of having to retranslate a document, since the initial translation was not up to the required level.

Don’t use the cheapest translators: Although it may be tempting to use the cheapest translation service to use, you may end up paying twice for your translation, either to rebuild. In many cases, very cheap translations are done part-time and freelancers more often than not you may not receive the translation you ordered, the quality may be very poor or you may receive after the previously agreed deadline has expired. Of course, there may be exceptions, but you are undoubtedly taking unnecessary risks.

Choose your means of payment: If you use a translation service in your own country or city, the cheapest forms of payment are cash or checks. However, if you work with a translation in another country, payment in cash will not be possible, payment by check will have to pay the charges at both ends. In this case, from the client’s point of view, credit cards are the best form of payment, as all fees will be borne by the translation company. If the business doesn’t have this option yet, ask if you can accept the payment receipt online through payment services like PayPal or Moneybookers so you can pay by credit card. If this is not possible then you would have to pay with a money transfer service, international bank transfer or check that most of the time clients require to pay the fees.

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