What is Lovesickness and symptoms with cure

There are many kinds of “lovesickness. But today I want to tell you what happens in certain cases, where what is at stake is not love.

What is Lovesickness?

During very depth of love there are some negative thoughts are coming in mind it is called lovesickness.

Despite the fact that these cases cover up selfishness and pride. It is not about self-love either. People wanting to satisfy their apparent pride, fall into the worst of humiliations and degradations.

What are the lovesick symptoms?

lovesick symptomsIn a syndrome that is part of negative loves, the loving subject is not aware of her true feelings.

It is interesting to see the phrases or words that these people use and the attitudes that their apparent lovesickness take on.

“I need him to be mine”: Nobody has a place with anybody. If you say you want him to be yours, you are confused. You are yours and he is his. And then together they go forward. He is not part of you. In this case the other becomes a thing. He is reified. He is not a being in himself, he is not a person. He is a part of you. Your arm is yours. Your eyes are yours. Another person can never be part of you.

“He dated me with another girl, he looks at what he did to me” The “me” is a classic of love that does not discriminate against the other as an independent being. The clear example known to all of “My son does not take my soup.”

“I see that he is dating another lady and I need him to turn out badly with the other lady so he returns to me. He begs my love and he comes on his knees at my feet. Then I’ll do what I want with him. This is something of honor ”This has nothing to do with a love story In love we want the other to be well and be happy. We do not want to humiliate the person we love.

How to love sickness cure?

what is lovesicknessIn these cases, I have observed this: the object of the pseudo lovesickness is not a liar or a manipulator. They clearly define the situation. Or that they don’t want to date the woman in question. Or that they just want a friendship or a friendship that involves the erotic, but not a partner. They honestly define their feelings. And they give the option. Either take it or leave it. The people who interplay here try not to cause suffering to the apparent lover. They even feel scruples and feelings of guilt. They may try to walk away so as not to cause pain to the apparent victim. But, seeing her with so much suffering, they try to accompany the woman until she can separate from them without so much pain.

People with this syndrome engage in some of these behaviors. They prioritize the investigation of the other. The invasion of the other (of which the other is not aware) into his own life.

Through certain techniques, they open the email to you. Or they check on the Internet forums, fotologs and all the places that the subject has (they can in a moment of neglect of which he does not know that he is being observed, until they review the entire computer, if they naively invite the girl to spend moments at home )

love sickness cureThey follow them. They talk to neighbors becoming friends. From the florist on the corner, the one who sells newspapers, the grocer. Even from his office colleagues. They contrive endless behaviors that seek to submit, inquire, and interfere in the life of the alleged loved one.

Until the moment comes when the subject who is apparently causing this obsession, forms a couple, of course, with another woman. As always being sincere, saying goodbye to the old friend in a correct way.

At that time, he is one of the many beings who suffer daily harassment, for months and even years from the woman in question, that she deceived herself, believing herself to be in love with her.

This article talks about her. But I have given it as an example, since the subject suffering from this syndrome can be both a woman and a man.

In the title “Take care of the Pseudo Lovesickness” I wanted to express that you take care of yourself if you are the person who suffers this bad love unconsciously. Or if you are someone who is apparently loved by someone else in this way.

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